Joel's Professional Side


HELLO! I’m Joel...


My friends will all laugh and tell you flat out... I’m not the brightest bulb. Far from it. I was once given a history quiz on air. The question - "Who invented the first car?" My response - "Lewis and Clark". Hey - it was the first thing that popped into my mind... what can I say? I use my crass to my advantage. That’s who I am and I keep it real. At the end of the day, I’m just an honest guy with a lot to say.

Born and raised in Emmaus, PA... I’m the only child of two music fanatics who from a young age shaped my love of melody and lyric. For me, it's always been about the music.

Off the air, you’ll probably find me at (or maybe beer) in hand enjoying my extensive vinyl collection. Sorry neighbors... but I do like it LOUD! I can also be found at the bar with friends, talking maybe a little too loud but definitely laughing about something!

Ultimately, I’m a young dude who got really lucky and fell into the best job in the world. Talking with people and sparking an honest, raw connection... it’s all a dream come true!

If you would like to download or print this bio, here is a PDF version.
You can also read about my work as an on-air host for 95.1 WZZO, The Lehigh Valley's Real Rock - Allentown, Easton, Bethlehem.

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